Having trouble with your email, or if you are thinking about setting up a new email account, our team of experts at Quick Fix can help. Our team of email experts has the expertise to resolve almost any email problem you are having. We can also help you to backup emails and contacts so it can be restored on new Windows or Mac computer or any other devices. If you suspect your email has been compromised, we can help you restore your email to a new, secure location to prevent any data from being stolen by a malicious cyber attack. We can then put measures in place to increase security and ensure that your email is safe from any future attacks.
Some of the things we can help with:
Setup a new or existing email account on Windows or Mac computer.
Setup Mail Clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac OS Mail, Windows Live Mail etc.)
Synchronize your email on Mobile & Tablets.
Migrate email data to new email provider.
Migrate email data to new email provider.
Ensure your email account is using secure protocol (SSL, TLS).